Complete Customized Solutions and Technology

VMI offers innovative and customized fully automated industrial mixing platforms to manufacture liquid and semi-solid products for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.

Our turnkey industrial installations are scalable and designed to meet the most demanding constraints in process, productivity, hygiene, and safety and integrate into your existing production environment.

Our know-how covers a wide range of pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications, including skincare creams, ointments, lotions, gels, mascaras, shampoos, and toothpaste.

VMI expertise supports the life cycle of your industrial project

To meet your performance challenges, our experts support you in the reflection, study, and design phases to develop the production tool best suited to your needs and the constraints of your sector.

As a specialist in mixing for more than 70 years, we offer you our know-how in mixing techniques and processes. In our Process Development Center, our engineers allow you to conduct experimental trials and validate formulas and technology in compliance with your specifications and the standards of the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry (GAMP5, CFR21 Part11, S88). The results obtained can be directly extrapolated to production, thanks to our technology that facilitates the transition from laboratory to industrial scale production.

Once the commissioning and the technical training of your operators are complete, we remain at your side by offering you a wide range of services that guarantee the durability of your installation.

Ecran de supervision synoptique plateforme de production VMI


Whatever the nature and rheology of your product, our teams will advise you on the type of agitation and mixer best suited to your needs.

We are experts in the manufacturing phases, including the most complex ones, in compliance with regulation and according to the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP):

  • Dosing and transfer of raw materials
  • Mixing by triple coaxial agitation
  • Manufacturing under vacuum
  • Thermal regulation by a pressurized water loop
  • Cleaning in place (CIP) and sterilization
  • Storage of raw materials and finished products
Ingénierie, conception sur mesure, gestion de projet

Engineering and project management

A dedicated team will support the success of your project. Design office engineers, research and development engineers, and project managers can assist in designing installations:

  • Studies and design (3D realization)
  • Customized manufacturing
  • Installation and start-up
  • Support in the qualification process (IQ and OQ)
  • Training your team
  • Troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Follow-up and evolution of your installations according to your needs
Solutions globales de production sur-mesure


All our installations are entirely assembled, controlled, tested, and accepted on our production site before disassembly and reassembly at your premises, according to industry control and qualification methods (FAT/SAT/QI/QO/QP).

Our installations make the most of the latest technology:

  • Customized, hygienic, and ergonomic design in compliance with current standards
    • storage tanks for raw materials and finished products
    • manufacturing tanks
    • melting tanks, auxiliary tanks for fatty and aqueous phases
    • simple or complex agitation systems combining several mechanical effects
    • Cleaning and Sterilization in Place systems
  • Equipment adapted to premises with a controlled environment (clean room or sterile)
  • Liquid/liquid, liquid/solid, liquid/solid/gas and viscous/pasty mixtures
  • User-friendly and intuitive control interface: Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for complete and controlled management of your production: editing and parameterization of production and cleaning recipes, simplified management and history of defects and alarms, and production traceability.
  • The supervision software allows remote technical assistance by our teams.
